Your Bible Verses Daily

Tuesday of the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Our Lord tells us in the first reading: “I assure you that say unless you change and become like children, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Mt 18: 3)

Children have a unique way of getting back on their feet. Their resilience can easily seen when, after petty squabbles with playmates, they can play with them again. They seem to be conscious of the present and not let past petty disagreements get in their way of enjoying the moment. In their very young lives, they have that tact to live to the fullest the present moment.

This passage does not only tell us how trusting children are with adults but also how we should have an outlook on life like children and how we should trust God our Father like children trust their parents and elders.

Let us pray for that child-like trust, wonder and awe in our Creator. God values us and loves us as his children. May we always be fully aware that his love is ever present in each and every second of our lives. Like any parent, he delights in us as being his very own.

Let us claim that and live in his love and guiding presence. We have a Father who wants all of us to find our real abode in heaven with him for all eternity. That is the happiest place to be. There is no place like our heavenly home with our Father.