Your Bible Verses Daily

Monday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time

Today’s readings remind us to look beyond appearances. When Samuel was tasked to anoint God’s chosen leader for Israel, a person Samuel had never seen before, he was told not to focus on appearances. He was told that God sees the heart, and he needed to do the same if he were to anoint the right person. Similarly, Jesus argued with the people of his day that the Sabbath was made for man, and not the other way around.

Today, we are challenged to rethink our ways. Are we quick to judge people based on mere external manifestations? Do we tend to impose our own sensibilities, our ideas of what is proper and what is not, on those we encounter? How flexible are we when we interact with others? To what extent are we able to give others the benefit of the doubt when they appear to offend our sensibilities?

God challenges us to see others with compassion and generosity. Doing so enables us to access the grace that God offers us in learning more about Him and His love for others. This exercise takes effort; it is not easy. We often judge others based on their appearance. Hence we sometimes we fall short, because we trust only in our own efforts. Let us be reminded today to rely on the loving grace of the Lord.