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St. Ischyrion, Martyr

Ischyrion lived in the third century, laboring as an attendant to an Egyptian magistrate. Although Ischyrion was a Christian, the magistrate commanded him to offer sacrifices to pagan gods. Ischyrion refused. The magistrate was furious, and he had Ischyrion killed in a most savage way: a stake was run into his bowels, impaling him.

The blood of martyrs is the seed of our faith. It is through courageous and pious acts like those of St. Ischyrion that Christianity has grown and spread throughout the world—may God grant us all the perseverance of St. Ischyrion.

Other Saints We Remember Today

St. Frances Xavier Cabrini (1917), Virgin, Patroness of immigrants

Saint Chaeremon (3rd Century), Martyr