Your Bible Verses Daily

Wednesday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time

The parable at the heart of today’s gospel helps us to examine what kind of “soil” we are. Some of the seeds will fall into rich trenches in the ploughed fields, take root, grow and produce a hundred times its own weight in harvest. That’s what the Kingdom of heaven is like. It’s a life-giving seed that everyone desires and receives it. The sacred seed in some people is crushed to death by others. But many people have an open and receptive heart. Their sacred seed will grow and produce abundant fruit.

Take time, in prayer, to remember your sacred seed. Where do you feel
there has been stony ground, rocks, or thorniness in your life? Where
are the rich fruitful trenches? Does the word of God have a fighting
chance to take root in your life? Pray to our loving God who sows his
seed so generously.