Your Bible Verses Daily

Thursday of the Second Week of Easter

It is difficult to accept that the Peter we know in the Gospels is the same Peter in today’s first reading who now defies the same people who had condemned Jesus to death. In comparing the Peter before Pentecost with the Peter after the descent of the Holy Spirit, we realize what the Holy Spirit has done and what the Holy Spirit wants to do in us and with us. For we have received the same Holy Spirit in baptism and confirmation.

Peter has become a man of courage. To defy the strict orders of the Sanhedrin was an act of dangerous audacity. We are often threatened to keep quiet about our faith. This threat might not come from civil authorities but from our friends, colleagues, and neighbors. We are afraid not to conform with the majority. Do we allow the Holy Spirit to make us people of courage like Peter?

Peter had become a man of principle. He no longer asked whether an action was safe or not. His basic questions were now: Is this the will of God? If I do this, do I obey God? Is this what God wants me to say and do?

What are our principles? Do we want to please others rather than God? Do we accept from the Church only what we find acceptable because it does not interfere with our position in society and disregard what threatens our position in society? Or are we ready like Peter to say boldly what society does not like to hear?

Peter had a clear idea of what he was supposed to be – a witness for Christ. God gave us his Spirit of courage, strength and truth for the same purpose—to be reliable and courageous witnesses for Christ. We have received a Spirit, not of cowardice, but of strength to make Christ visible in today’s world. We are invited to free ourselves from bondage that hinder us from being courageous, principled witnesses for Christ. We are invited to demolish in us whatever hinders God’s Spirit to transform us into people like Peter and his fellow apostles.