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Where Do We Find True Fulfillment in Life?

Where Do We Find True Fulfillment in Life?Where Do We Find True Fulfillment in Life?

desperately wants to find fulfillment in his or her life. We all know that.

We all long for a deep connection with some ‘one’, or some ‘thing’. There’s the idea that if we could just find this one person, group, or perhaps even an issue to champion for and join, that would bring us fulfillment.

But does it?

What if everything we need for true
fulfillment is obtainable, without having to create an account on, or
having to buy the latest gadgets, or always having to find your next project,

What if all the necessities for fulfillment are right in front us, as opposed to some imagined ideal future?

What if the idea of that “significant other”
who will be absolutely perfect for us and who will fulfill our every need, is,
in the end, just a fantasy?

What if that perfect hobby that will bring us
joy and happiness, even if it’s a good and wholesome hobby, is just distracting
us from what really is important?

What would it be like if we let go of this fantasy of a perfect future and then instead focus on finding fulfillment in the here and now, within ourselves … and through God?

Where We Get Fulfillment

Another person will never completely fulfill
us. Yes, they can give companionship and support in this life. They can help us
to be a better person. They may listen to us and help us when in need. All of
these are wonderful things. But they will never completely fulfill us.

The only thing that can ever give us true
fulfillment is a relationship with God.

Why do I know this? Because I have spent many
years trying to find fulfillment where it doesn’t exist. And I have met many
people throughout my life also trying to find their fulfillment through
relationships, hobbies, causes, and even addictions. And if you ask them if
they’re truly happy and fulfilled, the true answer is always, without fail,

Conversely, I know people that try to seek
their fulfillment through Christ. Do they suffer? Have hardships? They sure do.
But the more they strive to be in a complete union with God, not only are they
able to better handle their sufferings and hardships, but they also find
fulfillment in knowing they are doing it all for God.

When we live an active interior life (communicating with God) we benefit greatly by developing a close relationship, a friendship, with Him. Especially when we learn to direct our mind and heart to Him often throughout our day.

Searching for Fulfillment in the Wrong Places

There have been times in my life when I have
backslid a bit. OK, a lot.

I have found myself trying to find complete fulfillment
in relationships and hobbies and in ‘things’. My strong conviction and practice
of simplicity has at times taken a bit of a wrong turn.

I haven’t always been aware at the time, but
now I see that I was trying to find fulfillment where true fulfillment can’t be
found. I failed.

But with each failure, I know I must get back
up again and just keep going. Not dwell on the failure, but look up and walk

In getting back up, I realize that fulfillment
comes from something deeper — much deeper. It comes from finding appreciation
for our every moment, whether it’s fun and interesting, basic, mundane, or by
being in the service of others.

And to find this fulfillment, we don’t require
a companion, a hobby, a vacation, or even a cause to champion. We find it
through and with God.

It’s when we center our occupations and
activities around Christ, that we find true fulfillment. And with such an
interior life, we no longer become disturbed by the lack of people or things
around us, nor by the difficulties and trials which inevitability come our way.

God is always available, right now and in every moment, in you and all around you. And when you are trying to enter into union with Him — in a relationship with Him, it’s then that you will know His joy because you will become profoundly aware of the gift that every moment of your day is — because it’s from Him.

Never let any lack of person, place, or thing diminish your peace, gratitude and fulfillment. You can, and should, certainly be glad and thankful for all of the people and necessities of life that you do have around you; but don’t rely on them to bring you true fulfillment.

Instead, try hard to make God your main interest and your highest desire. It’s only with Him that you will find the ultimate fulfillment and joy, the all-satisfying goal that each person seeks in life.

For me, when I notice I’m backsliding, I try hard to make an effort to get back on track and not focus on the backslide itself. Keep my eyes focused upward.

To always strengthen and grow in my friendship
with God.

And I look forward to the day when I will be living my life in perfect companionship with Christ, so that I may live and do all things for the highest of reasons — to please Him, and not myself.

And that is where true fulfillment is found,
my friends.