Your Bible Verses Daily

Transfiguration of Our Lord

Jesus Christ took three of His disciples, Peter, James, and John, up on a mountain, where Moses and Elijah appeared and Jesus was transfigured before them; His face and clothes becoming white and shining as light, and a voice came out of heaven saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; listen to Him” (Mk 9:2-13; Mt 17:1-13; Lk 9:28-36).

On August 6th, the Church celebrates the Transfiguration of the Lord as a major feast day. The Transfiguration is a theophany — a manifestation of God — showing Christ’s divinity through the display of His uncreated, divine light. This dates back to before 1000 A.D. in the Eastern Catholic Church.

It was not widely accepted in the Western Church until 1457 when Callistus III instituted it in remembrance of the victory gained over the Turks at Belgrade on July 22, 1456. News of the declaration reached Rome on August 6th, and the date of the Feast of the Transfiguration was set as a thanks offering.

From Johnnette Benkovic’s Graceful Living: Meditations to Help You Grow Closer to God Day by Day

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“And after six days Jesus took with him Peter and James and John, and led them up a high mountain apart by themselves; and he was transfigured before them, and his garments became glistening, intensely white. . . . And a cloud overshadowed them, and a voice came out of a cloud, ‘This is my beloved Son; listen to him.’”

— Mark 9:2–3, 7

In the New Covenant, God the Father speaks to us through His Son. What means do we have to hear His Word? Which one do I use regularly? Which one do I need to include in my spiritual life?

Other Saints We Remember Today

Sts. Sixtus II, Pope, Felicissimus & Agapitus (258), Martyrs