Your Bible Verses Daily

Feast of Saints Philip and James, Apostles

In the Gospel reading today, we hear Philip asking Jesus, “Lord, show us the Father and that is enough.” Jesus reminds Philip, his apostle-companions and all of us, that “whoever sees me, sees the Father.” Indeed, the Gospel Good News is about the Triune God loving us and sending the Son in order that he may reveal the Father and his love for us.

In our younger years, we were taught in catechism class a song which reflected today’s reading: “Jesus is the way, the truth and the life; his banner over me is love.” Though we did not fully understand the song, we loved to sing it.

For adults, what does the song say? What does it mean for Jesus to be “the way, the truth and the life”? He is the Way to the Father: we know the Father through him; he is truth as God is all Truth; he is life as God himself is Life.

The song ends, “his banner over me is love”: Jesus revealed to us the love of the Father for us