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St. Mary Salome

St. Mary Salome, one of the women who followed Jesus during His ministry, was the wife of Zebedee and the mother of the apostles James and John. As a devout follower, she was present at significant moments in Christ’s life and ministry. Mary Salome was among the women who supported Jesus and His disciples, providing for their needs out of her own resources.

She was also present at the Crucifixion, standing by Jesus in His final hours. On Easter morning, Mary Salome, along with other women, went to the tomb to anoint Jesus’ body, only to find it empty and hear the joyful message of the Resurrection from the angel.

Her life of faithful discipleship and motherly love serves as an example of dedication, courage, and deep trust in God. As both a follower of Christ and the mother of two apostles, Mary Salome embodies a commitment to both her faith and her family.

Practical Lessons:

Lesson 1: Balance Family and Faith Commitments: St. Mary Salome was both a mother and a dedicated disciple of Christ. Her life reminds us to find a balance between caring for our families and nurturing our spiritual lives. In daily life, this can mean setting aside time for prayer while also being fully present for loved ones, whether that’s a conversation over dinner or helping a child with schoolwork.

Lesson 2: Be Present in Moments of Difficulty: Mary Salome stood by Christ during His crucifixion, even when others fled. Her example teaches us the importance of being present for those we care about in times of difficulty. Whether it’s supporting a friend going through a tough time or standing by family members in their struggles, we can learn to offer comfort through our presence and love.

Quote from St. Mary Salome:
Though no direct quotes from St. Mary Salome are recorded, her actions speak volumes. Her devotion to Christ and her steadfast loyalty to her family remind us to “be there” in both our faith and our relationships.

Prayer to St. Mary Salome:

Heavenly Father, through the example of St. Mary Salome, You show us how to balance faith and family with courage and love. Help us to remain steadfast in supporting our loved ones while dedicating ourselves to following You. Through her intercession, may we learn to serve You faithfully in all aspects of our lives. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Saint Mary Salome was the wife of Zebedee and the mother of the apostles John and James the Greater. Known as the “Sons of Thunder”, these two great men were among the first to be chosen by Jesus to follow Him. Mary Salome, their mother, would be one of the “three Marys” to follow Jesus and minister to Him and His disciples. Thought to be the financial source for their travels, Mary Salome, along with Mary Magdalene and others, would give all they had to further the works of Jesus and His followers.

Mary Salome was a witness to the crucifixion, entombment and was mentioned by St Mark as one of the women who went to anoint the Lord’s body, finding Him to be resurrected. In the Gospel, Mary Salome asks what place her sons will have in the Kingdom. Jesus tells her that it is the Father who decides and that they will have to follow His example and earn their place in paradise. Legend says that after Pentecost, Mary Salome would travel to Veroli, Italy where she would preach the Gospel for the rest of her life. She would become the patron saint of this historic city.

image: Giotto di Bondone / Public domain