Your Bible Verses Daily

Wednesday of the Thirty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time

As Christians, we are all called to follow Jesus in bringing God’s Kingdom on earth today. As followers of Christ, we are enjoined to live a fuller life in him and to help in spreading the Good News of salvation. But if we accept Jesus’ call and follow him, we also have to be ready to accept and make some sacrifices for him. Jesus did not mince words in how we may be ridiculed or persecuted because we bear witness to his name. There is a cost to discipleship. After all, Jesus himself suffered and died to save us from our sins. The servant cannot be greater than his master.

Instead of looking at what sacrifices we may have to make if we accept Jesus’ call, perhaps we should focus instead on how we can grow more in love and generosity with him. The deeper we love someone, the more we are willing to do things to please that person, even if we encounter difficulties and have to make some sacrifices. This is also how we should look at and grow in our relationship with Jesus. We already know that Jesus’ love for us is immeasurable. What matters is how much we love him.

What have we done for Christ? What are we doing for Christ? What ought
we do for Christ?