Your Bible Verses Daily

Memorial of Saint Paul Miki and Companions, martyrs

Being sent to look after God’s flock is quite challenging. It would be ideal to be sent out in twos, but more often than not, the missionary has to go at it all by himself or herself. The resources for the mission will present themselves as necessary. Talk about complete faith in Divine Providence!

Our Christian world was born out of this zealous missionary spirit. If brave men and women didn’t heed the call to be sent out, there probably wouldn’t be as many religious educational institutions, congregations and organizations in existence. Maybe, there would be fewer people who would realize for themselves that Jesus really loves them.

Sharing about God’s love is the heart of our faith. In whatever we do, hopefully we are relaying the reality of God actively participating in human undertakings. This same fervor inspired our missionary brothers and sisters to cross oceans, climb mountains, and conquer jungles so that the Word of God may be preached in all corners of the earth. Every human being needs to hear that there is a God who looks after them and never abandons them.

May we always ask for the grace to be missionaries in our own little
circles of influence. Hopefully, whoever we encounter in this life,
may they see the love of Jesus made real by our example. The
Scriptures come alive in our actions and how we treat one another.
Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love!