Your Bible Verses Daily

“There shall be no strange god among you, you shall not worship any alien god, for I the Lord am your God, who led you forth from the land of Egypt. But my people did not listen; Israel did not obey. So I gave them over to their stubbornness and they followed their own counsels.” Ps 81: 10-11ab, 12-13

Our lives are filled to the brim. But what is it filled with? Earning a living and making it big? Becoming successful and rich? Being beautiful and popular? Owning the latest and newest gadgets? Buying a new car or a new house? Going on trips to see and be seen? In the midst of living our life to the fullest, where is God in the everyday of our lives? Are we, through our actions and without conscious thoughts, running after and worshipping “other” gods? Are success, fame and fortune dominating our minds, hearts, and souls? Are we still in touch with what is important in our lives? God? Our family? Our friends? Are we happy with where we are now?

“If only my people would listen, if only Israel would walk in my ways, I would quickly subdue their adversaries and turn my hand against their enemies.” Ps 81:14-15

Maybe now is a good time to be still and listen. To take stock of our life. To pray and to listen to our Lord. For he knows what is good for us.