Your Bible Verses Daily

Monday of the Fifth Week of Easter

“… All you ask in my name, I will give you.” (Jn 15:16)

A promise and assurance of Jesus to us believers, it is a continuation of his teaching about his relationship with the Father as well as an introduction of the Holy Spirit, the third person in the Triune God. Jesus speaks of the Holy Spirit which he affirms he will send. Indeed it is beyond human comprehension. He is already in them yet Jesus is going to send Him to them. If we take the simplistic meaning of this statement, our understanding is truly human but with the gift of faith it is a reality by which the loving God unites us with Him.

Let us take for example, Jesus’ statement: “If you say to this mountain move there, it will.” Let us take the example of the reclamation areas. Did the project engineer say to the water to move over and give us the land? But Jesus says everything you ask in my name I’ll give, we are fast to explain. We may not seem to realize it, but Jesus must have given us another thing.

Another example: A missionary once wanted to lead the parish youth to sing during the Sunday Mass. But he could not carry a tune himself. So he asked the group to recommend one who can really lead them to sing properly. The name of a former youth leader was suggested, one who had not been going to church for a long time already. The missionary talked to him and asked for his help to teach the youth to sing in church for Sunday masses. This youth leader agreed. Because of the choir, this young man returned to church and went to mass regularly.

“All you ask in my name, I will give you.”