Your Bible Verses Daily

How Are You Moved By God’s Love?

The last several months have been a bit of a challenge for
me. I haven’t felt well.

After the new year I started to experience headaches that as
time went on, became both more frequent and painful. And
in my typical method of operation, I tried to ignore them for as long as I
could. But when even the basic functionality of day-to-day life became
increasingly difficult, I finally gave in.

My doctor suggested an MRI because of the frequency of the
headaches, and also because my father died at nearly my identical age from a
brain tumor.

This realization left me feeling very anxious and scared. I
started to wonder if perhaps my time was limited. Which opened up an entire new
set of worries and concerns. I had just purchased a new home. My business was
going well. Spring was coming and my hands would soon be back in God’s green

I didn’t have time to be sick. And I certainly wasn’t ready
to check out.

But then something odd happened. About a week before my MRI,
I suddenly felt a very strong sense of peace. I can’t explain it, but I knew
the results were going to come back negative. I was still experiencing the
headaches, but I knew I didn’t have a brain tumor.

I just knew it.

And when the MRI test results came back negative, I was
certainly relieved, but my overarching response was experiencing a deeper connection
with God.

And this is huge for me. I am a renowned worry-wart. My
natural inclination is to be “Worst-case-scenario” Alan. Just ask any of my family,
friends or co-workers. They’ll be glad to clue you in.

I normally always tend to think the worst, and nine times
out of 10, pleasantly find out otherwise.

But this time was different. I felt for sure, almost with
complete certainty that my results would be negative.

And I also knew with certainty it was because of God. I had
been praying diligently for God’s help and inspiration.

I prayed for Him to move me.

And when the results came back in my favor, I didn’t want to
just brush aside the interior peace I received the week leading up to the MRI.
For me, that in itself was greater and even more amazing than the negative test

I spent weeks leading up to the MRI worrying about what-ifs.
I expended a great deal of time researching the Internet at places like WebMD,
which only exasperated my concerns by making me think I had 20 other additional

Remember, “Worst-case-scenario” Alan.

But it’s only when I consistently started to give my
concerns and worries over to God that I found out the truth, before the truth
was even revealed to me by my doctor.

And so I’m learning.

God wants no competition in my heart. No created person,
thing or Internet page can compare with Him. He gives us these things to help
us, but at the core, it’s God Who provides us with all of the answers, if we
only seek Him. Our desire to seek God and to love Him is His own gift to us.

Only God’s Love can move us in this way.

Because when you love God with all your heart, you will no
longer hold anything back. You will make no reservations. You will learn to go
to Him first, above all else.

And when you have learned to love and trust God to this
degree, you will experience Him more deeply with each new level of trust that
He brings you into. It’s then you will know a peace and joy beyond all explanation.

Learn to listen for God’s voice. His inspirations. His

Let Him move you.