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Stepping Stones to Shalom

This month, Bible Gateway has added to its growing number of free email devotionals a 12-day study of Shalom—a concept of holistic peace that is sorely needed these days amid such global tension.

Sign up today to receive Stepping Stones to Shalom!

Sign up today to receive the free email devotional Stepping Stones to Shalom

People typically define peace as the absence of war. But in Judaism, peace, shalom, is rooted in the Hebrew word shalem, which means “whole” or “complete.” Shalom is so much more than the absence of turbulence. Shalom is the presence of wholeness.

True shalom implies that diverse parties purposely set aside their differences and agree to see the good in one another, not just living alongside but among one another for a higher calling or purpose. Working together as one whole entity, we are able to achieve far more than we could on our own. Like a beautiful mosaic, all the diverse pieces are needed for the picture to be complete.

Psalm 29:11 says, “The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.” When God blesses us with shalom, he simultaneously gives us strength. As individuals, a community, or as nations around the world, when we have shalom, we are whole and complete, stronger, better, and able to accomplish great things.

This free email devotional plan explores 12 different steps you can take toward shalom. Sign up today!

Stepping Stones to Shalom joins a number of other recent devotionals, including Comfort in Sorrow and A Woman of Valor, that come from our our partnership with the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. These devotionals also include a Hebrew Word of the Day that you can listen to as an audio file.

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