Your Bible Verses Daily

Wednesday of the Twenty-Second Week in Ordinary Time

Healing is a part of Jesus’ ministry. People came to Jesus so that he can cure them of their sickness and diseases. During those times, the people believed that disease and pestilence were punishments from God. When they learned about Christ’s healing power, they sought him. They cried out: “You are the Son of God”; they asked Jesus to heal them. Jesus compassionately laid his hands on each of them and healed them of their sicknesses and ailments. He commended these sick people to God, so that they may be cured of their illnesses. In effect, Christ is said to have freed them, reconciling them back to God our Father. Every healing was a chance for them to accept Christ as our Savior.

Jesus’ healing ministry reflected God’s immeasurable power, compassion, mercy and magnanimous love to men. When Jesus had to leave them for the open country, people tried to stop him from leaving. But he said, “To other towns I must announce the good news of the reign of God, because that is why I was sent”. Christ knew that he was sent to preach the Good News to everyone and in every city. He brings everyone closer to God our Father.