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Pope St. Evaristus, Martyr

According to the Liber Pontificalis (book of the popes), Evaristus was the son of a Hellenic Jew of Bethlehem. He was the fourth successor of Saint Peter, succeeding Saint Clement in the See of Rome during the reign of Trajan. He held the office of the papacy for nine years, dying in the year 112.

It is written that Evaristus instituted the cardinal priests by dividing Christian Rome into seven regions, or parishes, assigning a priest to each. He also appointed seven deacons to attend the bishop.

In most Martyrologies and Pontificals, Evaristus is honored as a martyr although there are no records stating the details of his martyrdom.

Pope Saint Evaristus is probably buried near St. Peter’s tomb in the Vatican.


Dear Lord, you gave your servant, Pope Evaristus, the gifts of wisdom and humility to guide your Church on earth. By his loyalty in shepherding the flock, may he continue to guide those on earth who seek his intercession. Amen.

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