Your Bible Verses Daily

Friday Five: Thanksgiving, God and Trump, LATimes vs. Fuller, Jimmy Carter, Satan


We interrupt this day-after-Thanksgiving holiday to update you on the latest religion headlines.

I hope you and your family are enjoying a wonderful time of Black Friday shopping or — if you’re like me — watching football and eating leftover chocolate pie while spending precious time with my family.

In my case, I am enjoying quality time with my 1-year-old grandson, Bennett.

Anyway, let’s dive right into the Friday Five:

Do you think politicians are chosen by God? @NikkiHaley does. And she’s not alone in that belief.

— The Post and Courier (@postandcourier) November 27, 2019

1. Religion story of the week: We posted earlier in the week on those news reports that Rick Perry believes God “ordained” Donald Trump (not to mention Barack Obama) to be president.

The Post and Courier of Charleston, S.C., has an interesting follow-up piece on that — tied to comments by Nikki Haley — concerning whether politicians are chosen by God.

Check out the South Carolina newspaper’s story.

Los Angeles Times vs. Fuller Seminary: Is fair, accurate coverage even possible these days?

— GetReligion (@GetReligion) November 25, 2019

2. Most popular GetReligion post: My colleague Julia Duin has this week’s No. 1 most-clicked commentary.

It’s Duin’s commentary on “Los Angeles Times vs. Fuller Seminary: Is fair, accurate coverage even possible these days?”

She noted:

The Los Angeles Times hasn’t had a religion reporter in years and the newspaper’s lapses in religion coverage get embarrassing after awhile.

Such was their Nov. 21 story about a lesbian student at Fuller Seminary who is suing the school because they expelled her after they learned she was married to a woman. As I read it, certain parts sounded quite familiar until I realized I’d commented on a similar story by Religion News Service last July.

Once again, I have to remind folks that doctrinal covenants, creeds and behavior codes are something students agree to, and often sign a document attesting their compliance to, when they enroll. They are choosing to join a voluntary association defined by a set of doctrines, some about moral theology.

Read the full post.

In his hometown, Jimmy Carter unites Trump supporters and Democrats. To a point

— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) November 27, 2019

3. Guilt folder fodder (and more): At least once a week — or at least it seems that way — a major newspaper or wire service make its way to Plains, Ga., to report on Jimmy Carter and his Baptist church.

But here’s the things: I generally enjoy these features, even if they don’t add a whole lot of new information.

In the case of a new story by the Los Angeles Times, I found it interesting that the mayor of Plains is a Republican and also a fellow deacon with Carter at this church. (By the way, the two don’t talk politics.)

Why God continues to have a place at Thanksgiving tables and in Thanksgiving stories

— GetReligion (@GetReligion) November 28, 2019

4. Shameless plug: Perhaps while focused on eating turkey, you missed our Thanksgiving-related posts. Be sure to check out these posts:

“Let’s give thanks that it’s Dolly time, even if New York folks don’t get all that faith stuff” by Terry Mattingly.

“Why God continues to have a place at Thanksgiving tables and in Thanksgiving stories” by Clemente Lisi.

#Neverforget Holidays are coming folks (with Satan…apparently)

— Gregory P. Perreault (@GregPerreault) November 24, 2019

5. Final thought: Personally, I’d prefer Santa. Just saying!

Happy Friday, everybody! Enjoy the weekend!