Bible trivia: How long is a cubit? What does a shekel weigh? How much does an ephah contain?
Readers of the Bible, particularly those wedded to the revered King James Version from four centuries ago, will keep running across esoteric words for weights and measures in ancient times. Many editions today help out by providing modern equivalents in the text or footnotes.
But don’t take those equivalents too literally. Specialist Marvin Powell’s advice is that “measures have always posed a special problem for translators.” He said it’s “almost impossible” to fix equivalents with much precision so we’re talking about rules of thumb — literally the thumb in one example below.
Ancient usage was approximate to begin with, and meanings varied by districts and eras. There appear to be differences before and after Israel’s exile in Babylon that began in 526 B.C., and between the Old and New Testament cultures. Powell figured that any proposed equivalents have a margin of error of plus or minus 5 percent if not more.
This gets us into the development of metrology, the science of measurement. The Guy here relies especially on two historians of the ancient world, Powell of Northern Illinois University, writing in the Anchor Bible Dictionary, and D.J. Wiseman of the University of London, in the New Bible Dictionary.
Consider the Old Testament prophet Amos, who denounced corner-cutters who “trample on the needy” by dishonestly selling wheat so as to “make the ephah small and the shekel great” (8:5). That indicates measurements were inherently a bit flexible as tradesmen bargained over weights and prices in their ancient marketplaces.
The most frequent such term in the Bible is the famous “cubit,” which measured length. Consider the tiny type in the aptly named Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance (“Strong’s for the strong,” as seminarians joke about this 1,340-page doorstopper). The Guy eyeballed the list and looks like cubit appears in maybe a couple hundred King James verses.
The concept of cubit originated as the length of an average forearm from elbow tip to fingertips. Ah, but whose arms, and who had the power to figure the average? A cubit is thought of crudely as about half a yard or meter, say around 18 inches. But there was also the “long cubit,” which meant something like 21 inches. Likewise, a “span” was the spread of an open hand from thumb tip to farthest fingertip, and a “handbreadth” was the width of four fingers at their base excluding the thumb.
The cubit was so standard that instead of the equivalent of our mile or kilometer we have biblical verses like Ezekiel 45:1, which designated the holy district around the Jerusalem Temple at “25,000 cubits long and 30,000 cubits broad.” Within that sector, a square plot for the sanctuary measured “500 by 500 cubits.” Must have been quite the task to plot out these compounds cubit by cubit.
The Bible’s terms for measuring capacity were the following, in descending order of size: kor, homer, letech, ephah, bath, seah, hin, kab, issaron, omer and log. Sometimes the words were used for only dry or only liquid measuring, and sometimes for both.
Continue reading “Bible trivia time: What is a cubit? A shekel? An ephah?”, by Richard Ostling.