Your Bible Verses Daily

When we watch that TV show featuring crime scene investigators, it’s quite fascinating to see what gadgets and theories they present to recreate how the perpetrator committed the nefarious act. This is all in the course of gathering evidence and submitting proof that the alleged crime did in fact take place. Justice for the victim is the end in mind.

Evidence must be presented to support submitted allegations. Without proof, how can it be considered as something that actually happened? This is the normal course in judicial proceedings and among day-to-day dealings as well. Signatures must be presented to indicate agreement. Other exhibits are documented so that no one can question if the situation is spurious or not.

Jesus would rather have his followers take it as it is. Jonah was sent to the Ninevites. Solomon ruled Israel wisely for a certain period. But, both these historical figures cannot be compared to the Messiah who is right in front of them. If they need a sign so that they will believe, maybe that won’t be enough.

Perhaps we are luckier in that sense. There is no actual physical manifestation of Christ himself right in front of us. Yet, we still choose to be guided by his teachings, to live our lives according to his example. Dancing suns, statues crying tears of blood, hosts that magically appear on the tongues of visionaries, may make exciting headlines for tabloids. For the faithful, the love of God is more than enough. The only sign is our reformed lives and our quiet, kind, and genuine concern for each other.