Your Bible Verses Daily

Thursday of the Sixth Week of Easter

In today’s Gospel, we see that the disciples do not understand what Jesus has been saying. In particular, they do not understand what Jesus is talking about when he tells them that they will not see him, and then a little later they will see him again. They do not know what he is talking about.

It seems obvious to us that Jesus was talking about his death and resurrection. But we Christians today have the benefit of hindsight. So what seems obvious to us would not have been so clear to the disciples. They could not have understood that Jesus was talking about dying, and then rising again and appearing to them.

Some of the most difficult moments in our lives are when we do not understand what God’s plan is for us, like times when life is filled with suffering, and we do not understand why God would allow this happen to us. Or times when we feel that Jesus has deserted us, right at the moment when we really need him. Or when a crushing blow unexpectedly threatens to derail us. Or when we struggle with that all-important question: Its is during these moments we seem to ask ourselves “Where is God?”

We do not always understand Jesus. If we did, then he will not be God. Perhaps, if we can always understood his plan for us, then perhaps we will not be living by faith. Faith is believing in Jesus even though we do not see him, even when we do not always understand his plan for us.

Let us continue to trust Jesus in good times and especially in difficult times. Let us be reminded to ask him to help us, to strength our faith and trust in him, especially during those times when we need him the most.