“Preparing to take our place in the Kingdom is the greatest and most difficult work on earth. But then we will continue that most glorious work of all — praising God.”
-Mother Angelica, What is Heaven?
“Preparing to take our place in the Kingdom is the greatest and most difficult work on earth. But then we will continue that most glorious work of all — praising God.”
-Mother Angelica, What is Heaven?
The Holy Innocents: Martyrs of the Faith Story of the Holy Innocents: The Feast of the Holy Innocents, celebrated on December 28th, honors the children who were tragically killed by King Herod in an attempt to eliminate...
A controversial teaching of the Church is that the ministerial priesthood, the sacrament of Holy Orders, is reserved to males alone. The Church does not have the ability to ordain a woman. Most contemporary people do...
If only I had attained Christian perfection already. If only I didn’t have to struggle against that sin anymore. If only I could immerse myself in prayer without distraction. If only I could understand that difficult...
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