Your Bible Verses Daily

Thursday of the Twenty-fifth Week in Ordinary Time

When God decides to make a miracle happen, whether we choose to believe in it or not, His wondrous summoning occurs without the aid of earthly or human intervention. After all, the Creator of the universe can very well do anything He so desires. It is our limited thinking that inappropriately informs us that we are in control of day-to-day affairs.

We shouldn’t get too carried away by the thought of mastering all we survey. Yes, we are stewards of this planet, but woe to us if we start believing our own public relations releases. Of course, there’s nothing wrong in charting the course for correct corporate practices; it remains commendable to manage the affairs of a small barangay or an entire nation for that matter. But, when our so very fragile egos start puffing us up, we should remain wary of such illogical arrogance and false bravado.

Aiming to be a very important person is okay. But, once we lord it over our subjects; once we nitpick what we perceive as unintentional incompetence and normal imperfections; once we look down our nose on others because of their educational attainment and financial status, we have become too proud; too big for our breeches, as they say. We might dangerously be thinking that we are better than God.

Let us pray for humility and meekness. Let us remember our place in front of our Lord. The joy we experience does come from the accomplishments we strive for, but its success and triumph are graces from above. May we be thankful to Him who always looks out for everything good.