Your Bible Verses Daily

Friday of the Twenty-seventh Week in Ordinary Time

Divide and conquer is a tactic used to overcome an adversary. When the
forces have been split up, the opponent defeats each force due to
their separately diminished numbers. When we refuse to stand fast with
Christ, we allow ourselves to become easy targets for the enemy. The
strongest bond is a unified front with Our Lord. When we are alone
when we come face to face with challenges — doubt, anxiety,
insincerity, insecurity — and allow these to affect us, we are easily

We have to keep our guard and our strength. If we slowly become
complacent with our faith we easily become targets for those who wish
to harm us.

For Christians, prayer is our training. As long we continuously keep
in touch with God, our source of strength, we will endure. There’s
absolutely nothing wrong with asking for help. Fighting to stay pure
and true is made easier with the support of others. Staying rooted in
the truth of Jesus’ teachings, shall help us not to waver.