Your Bible Verses Daily

Thursday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time

These seemingly harsh words of Jesus demand a choice on our part. Do we seek to be purified by the fire of the Gospel or do we reject this idea of being cleansed and raised up from our material, evil inclinations? In other words, are we for Jesus or against him? This is the choice we all have to make many times during our lives. Jesus came to light a fire on the earth. He was in anguish until he had completed his Father’s plan.

Jesus loved us so much he wanted everyone to be saved as soon as possible. Considering Jesus’ intensity, he must be upset by our laziness. He has been waiting for almost two thousand years for us to get ready for his second and final coming. We have slowed down God’s plan of salvation by our sins and apathy. We must repent, intercede, and evangelize so all will hear the Gospel and Jesus can come back for a holy, immaculate, and glorious Church.

If Christians everywhere will begin to have the intensity of Christ, God’s plan will be restored to the speed which he intended. God’s time is fast. He has come to light a fire on the earth. Let us repent of our lethargy and slowness so that we can run the race for Jesus.