Your Bible Verses Daily

Tuesday of the Twenty-seventh Week in Ordinary Time

Martha and Mary are also mentioned in the resurrection of Lazarus.
Martha is seemingly the distracted one while Mary is seemingly the
insensitive one. We are confronted with two conditions, to be
distracted or to sit quietly. When we divert our attention or focus
from a focal point we become distracted. To sit quietly is to be more
focused. There are a lot of movements with the first, while the second
is to be more at rest.

Martha’s distraction is an example of our earthly and material
preoccupation. Christ waits for us during every liturgy but we fail to
go even to Sunday mass because we are too busy with other things. He
also waits for us in prayer but we have little time for it because
perhaps we say our children take up much of our time. But Mary remains
seated at Christ’s feet. This is a sign of discipleship. A disciple
feasts on his master’s words because this satisfies him.

Christ is the seal of the Father in heaven. He is the food that
endures for eternal life. Life is more than just material wealth, food
and clothing. The Father in heaven is aware of all our needs. Let us
set our hearts on His kingdom first and all the other things will be
given us as well.