Your Bible Verses Daily

Tuesday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time

In the first reading Paul reminds us that his preaching and that of his co­ followers of Christ were all centered on Christ himself and strengthened by God’s grace and Spirit.

In the Gospel reading Jesus reminds his followers of their lofty calling, to be “salt of the earth” and “light of the world.” But in order to be “salt,” his disciples must be ready to die for others, that Jesus may be born in them. And to be “light,” the disciples must publicly bear true witness to Christ in word and in deed. As needed, followers of Christ should be ready to stand against and speak up against injustice and oppression.

There are countless ways of being salt and light: we should implore God to help us discern every day how we can be salt and light to our fellows. God’s help will help us to be effective salt and bright light for others; God’s help will also teach us to give glory to God through our lives.