Have we ever felt trapped with problems and hardships, with nowhere to go or do to save the situation? And even God does not seem to heed our prayers? We feel hopeless and lost in such situations.
That was how the Israelites fleeing from Egypt felt with Pharaoh and his army and charioteers after them. Moses their leader tries to calm them down with the assurance that the God of Israel will protect and save them.
So God lets Israel cross the sea, which dried up for their crossing, and destroys the pursuing Egyptians when the sea waters returned.
God is the God of the impossible. Just as he kept his word for his people Israel, God will watch and protect us.
In the Gospel reading Jesus reprimands the Jews: despite his preaching, good deeds and miracles, they have refused to believe in him. They will be judged and condemned for their unbelief and lack of faith.