Your Bible Verses Daily

Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

Today’s feast is a symbol of hope for the Christian. Often as Christians, we have many trials and tribulations. We need to sacrifice for others in order to help them. We are often responsible for our family members and for others whom we want save for love of Jesus Christ. That is why the transfiguration of the Lord foreshadows what we will experience in the future if we die to ourselves in our daily crosses. God will transfigure our lowly bodies and make them glorious ones. He will turn our sufferings into joy. Our crosses will become glorious and we will bring many people into God’s kingdom.

Peter was so amazed at what they were seeing on the mountain. He realized that it was a heavenly vision they were witnessing and so he was at a loss for words and frightened at the same time. But much later in time, after all the sufferings he would undergo to help build the early Church, as he was about to die for Jesus to be crucified upside down, he most certainly was ready and eager to meet the Risen Lord in all His heavenly splendor. He was not afraid of death anymore. He was ready for paradise.

God wants to share His glory with us. Whether or not we will do great things for Him doesn’t matter. As long as we follow His plan of salvation for us – which is to do our share in building His kingdom – He will bring us to His heavenly kingdom where we will be bathed in eternal light.