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Prepare Your Soul For Christmas With These Free Email Advent Devotionals

Are you ready to experience the peace and joy of Christmas? These free short-run email devotionals will help you set aside the stress and busy-ness of the holiday season and focus on the real meaning of Christmas—click here to sign up on our Christmas devotions page. Tell your friends so they won’t miss out!

Our Advent Devotional is a unique and interesting way to journey through the holiday season. Several days each week, you’ll receive an inspirational quote, sermon, story, or Bible reading that highlights an important aspect of the Advent season. It works great as something to read yourself, to read with family at the dinner table, or to share with your small group. This year’s Advent Devotional has been heavily updated and revised with brand-new content, so even if you’ve subscribed in past years, you’ll find much that’s new!

Hop over to our Christmas devotions page to sign up!

And while you’re there, take a look at our other Christmas devotionals—Looking for Light and The Christmas Story. Taken together, these three Christmas devotionals all take a slightly different approach to the holiday season—but all of them will help you to focus on the person of Jesus Christ as Christmas grows nearer.

Give yourself the gift of knowing the Bible in a richer way this Christmas! Become a member of Bible Gateway Plus. Try it right now!

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