Your Bible Verses Daily

Friday of the Second Week of Lent

Time and time again, many prophets and scribes have appealed to us to mend our past discretions and to deviate from too much self-involvement. But, time and time again, we choose to go about our business as if nothing different has happened. Even after countless warnings, we see no problem in dismissing these as hearsay and poppycock. But, when we are called to take account of our actions in front of our Creator, it’ll probably be too late. Why did we not heed those earlier guidelines that were for our benefit?

Sometimes we’re just too stubborn. We think that “it’s my life and I want to do with it as I see fit”. We don’t see the good it would do to follow the recommendations of elders and wiser, more experienced individuals. After all, in the end, it’s all about “me”. With that attitude, we probably won’t get too far. It takes a humble spirit to accept our shortcomings. We do not know everything. So, when spiritual masters share their knowledge and wisdom that will help us grow, we should listen to them instead of dismissing their advice as unimportant. Why not learn from the learned instead of tackling things ignorantly on our own?

Let us pray for the grace of enlightenment. Let us be reminded that we are workers in the vineyard and when our master advises us, may we always be open to Him.