Your Bible Verses Daily

Tuesday of the Eighth Week in Ordinary Time

In the first reading we are reminded to be holy as God is holy, “Be holy for I am holy.”

In the Gospel reading the Lord assures his disciples that they and others who leave family, land and possessions to follow Jesus and to preach the Good News will be rewarded a hundredfold not only in this life but also with life eternal. Jesus assures us of the generosity of God to those who are generous to him and his service. Our Lord became man to save us from sin and death, the Good News of our salvation. This is for all humankind, but not all discover it. Those who discover and accept it are indeed blessed because this is the Good News that saves us. A man who experiences God’s love as shown in the life, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus is a man renewed, redeemed and re-created. Such a man enters into a new life close to God in the midst of life’s many challenges and trials.

Whoever has truly met Jesus is prepared to leave everything for him. To follow the Lord is the most wonderful experience one can have, whether one be single or married, a cleric, religious or lay person, a prince or a pauper. His life finds life’s real purpose.

And the reward for true discipleship is great, not only spiritual but also material and familial blessings. One enters into a new dimension in life, a life in the Spirit, full of God’s love and goodness.