Your Bible Verses Daily

Wednesday of the Second Week of Lent

In today’s first reading, Jeremiah’s enemies plotted for his destruction even as the prophet tried to speak on their behalf. Jeremiah prayed that God will turn His wrath away from them.

In today’s Gospel, Matthew wrote about the Passion of Jesus to remind the disciples that though Jesus has to suffer and die on the cross he will be raised on the third day. However, the request of the mothers to have their sons sit on the left and right side of Jesus in His kingdom, showed that they still missed the point of the kingdom that Jesus is preaching. Jesus reminds us that to be first, one must serve and not be served; giving their lives as a ransom for many.

Let us ask ourselves today, which area of our lives does God want us to be more of a servant. Let us ask the Lord to give us the humility to accept His will, to be able to accept the challenge of whatever task he may send our way.