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The Practice of Praying to a God Who Listens

Bunmi LaditanBy Bunmi Laditan

If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you’re a parent, a grandparent, an uncle, an aunt, a caregiver in these wild and crazy times. And you need a little (or maybe a lot of) extra help.

Raising and pouring love into a child is an amazing calling. But let’s be honest: it’s also incredibly difficult.

Caring for children stretches our patience, fries our brains, and zaps us of our energy, but we wake up and do it over and over again because, well, they’re ours and we love them.

Before I became a believer in Jesus, I dealt with the stress in every possible way except prayer. I’d binge-watch TV series looking for escape, indulge in glass after glass of wine trying to numb my brain, climb to the pinnacle of my career, thinking money and the approval (envy) of others would give me fulfillment. But I found none of what I sought.

Who would have thought that a relationship with God would be the key? And there is no relationship without communication.

Prayer became my lifeline.

I thought prayer was no different from positive affirmations, thoughts we throw into the air and hope stick somewhere.

Now I know different.

And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. —Matthew 28:20

When I pray, I know God is by my side. He is there, not passively listening, but hearing me, responding, and sending comfort, help, peace, solutions, and love.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. —Philippians 4:6

As a child to a parent, I pray to a loving, protective, attentive God who is always near. Sometimes I’m asking for help, other times I’m marveling at the hilarity and beauty of parenting, and other times I’m just thanking Him for the many ways He’s shown me signs of His provision and love.

Pray without ceasing. —1 Thessalonians 5:17

I have a new habit. When I wake up, before the chaos begins, I resist grabbing my phone and instead close my eyes and pray. I thank God for waking us up and keeping us safe in the night, and ask for help, protection, and direction for this day.

Before bed, we pray as a family, again thanking God for being with us during the day—and whatever else we’d like to tell him.

Buy your copy of Help Me, God, I'm a Parent: Honest Prayers for Hectic Days and Endless Nights audiobook in the FaithGateway Store where you'll enjoy low prices every day

But the times I pray the most … well, all day—as I’m driving, making my way through traffic, standing at the kitchen sink with rubber-gloved hands in soapy water, or making dinner. Sometimes my prayers are three-word pleas—“Help me, God”—and other times, I just talk to him.

We don’t have to raise our children alone. In fact, we never will. God has reminded me so many times, especially when I’m afraid or worried, that before they were mine, these children were his. He loves them with a love we can’t even imagine.

I hope that in reading the very real prayers that I prayed as a parent, recorded in Help Me, God, I’m a Parent, you are inspired to approach the throne of God with your own prayers for little or big ones.

Praying for our children is a powerful act of love. Prayer changes situations. He’s listening. He loves you and the little hearts in your care.


Help Me, God, I'm a ParentAdapted from Help Me, God, I’m a Parent: Honest Prayers for Hectic Days and Endless Nights by Bunmi Laditan. Click here to learn more about this book.

Trade your fear and anxiety about your children for peace, calm, and confidence in the God who loves and guides you as you parent.

Bestselling author and mom blogger Bunmi Laditan vulnerably shares the prayers she’s prayed for her children as inspiration for your own prayer life. Refreshingly relatable, bravely honest, and deeply heartwarming, Help Me, God, I’m a Parent meets you right where you’re at and gives voice to the thoughts everyone—even you—has about parenthood that they are afraid to say out loud.

In the way only she can, Bunmi echoes the same fears, joys, delights, loneliness, regrets, and love you have in your heart through prayers that . . .

  • Bask in the awe and wonder of parenting
  • Savor joyous moments and big accomplishments
  • Make you laugh when you need it most
  • Rejoice in the love you have for your children and the love God has for you
  • Alleviate worry and anxiety about your children and their futures
  • Bestow peace and calm in those I’m-at-the-end-of-my-rope moments
  • Seek wisdom when the advice of the world fails you
  • Offer humble thanks to a good God for the blessings we see and those we don’t

No prayer is more powerful than the one prayed by a parent for their child. Experience today how prayer can change not only your own life but the lives of your children.

Bunmi Laditan is an award-winning, Webby-nominated writer from California who lives in Quebec, Canada, with her family. She has contributed to the New York Times, Parenting, and the Huffington Post and is best known for the satirical Twitter account Honest Toddler and her books, including Dear God.

The post The Practice of Praying to a God Who Listens appeared first on Bible Gateway Blog.