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The Treasure Map of Bible Study: How to Read a Verse for All Its Worth

Join Bible Gateway Plus and get the free Bible study, How to Read a Verse for All Its Worth, to learn how to read a verse for all its worth.If you knew a vast treasure was buried somewhere, would you rather have the occasional jewel or piece of gold that someone retrieved for you, or a map showing the location of the entire treasure? If you’re like most people, the answer’s a no-brainer.

What’s true about material treasure is also true for spiritual treasure. For this reason, we’ve created the brand-new downloadable 5-day Bible study, How to Read a Verse for All Its Worth that provides the map for you to uncover the hidden riches of God’s Word for yourself!

As Christians, we know the Bible is the ultimate source of everything we should believe and practice, and we want to understand it better. But it’s also true that this isn’t easy. We’re separated from the original authors and audience of the Bible by time, language, culture, and geography.

Fortunately, there are a series of steps used by serious students of the Bible to discover the meaning of biblical passages, and you can learn and apply these steps yourself to greatly increase your knowledge and understanding of the Bible.

Each day of the 5-day study walks you through a key step for uncovering the meaning of a biblical passage. Reflection questions at the end of each lesson provide opportunities to put the principles into practice. Among the critical insights you’ll learn are:

  • The 3 types of contexts needed to understand any passage of Scripture and how to find them.
  • How to make sense of a biblical passage in light of the Bible’s Big Storyline.
  • How to use tools like cross-references, study Bibles, and commentaries to illuminate your understanding of Scripture, and how to easily access these using Bible Gateway.
  • How to carefully observe a Bible verse or passage and discern the key details.
  • Three crucial questions to ask in order to correctly and practically apply a verse or passage to your life.

If you’re ready to uncover the treasures of Scripture for yourself, sign up today for this study, How to Read a Verse for All Its Worth. You’ll also gain access to more than 50 Bible study tools and reference works that put an entire premium biblical reference library at your fingertips!

Using the principles and steps explained and illustrated in How to Read a Verse for All Its Worth, you’ll be equipped to “present yourself to God and receive his approval” as one who “correctly explains the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15), whether you’re brand new to Bible study or have been doing it for years.

Find the treasure map here!

Join Bible Gateway Plus and get the free Bible study, How to Read a Verse for All Its Worth, to learn how to read a verse for all its worth.

Deepen your study of the Bible when you become a member of Bible Gateway Plus. Try it right now during a FREE trial period!

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