Your Bible Verses Daily

Jesus, My Beloved: Eucharistic Love

What can I do to have an intimate relationship with Christ as a single millennial woman living in the world?  What are the plans that He has for me? How will I be able to know, love, and serve Him in this world and be happy with eternally in heaven? What do I need to do to be able to listen to the quiet of my own heart?

Jesus Christ, True God, and true man is my Beloved, the One who sacrificed His own life so that I could be granted salvation and spend eternity with His Father, in heaven. He died for me; He gave His life because He loves me infinitely and does not want me to be without Him. He is my Savior who is continuously present to me in my life. I experience His incredible and eternal love, consolation, and compassion as He wraps me in His Divine embrace at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and as I adore Him in the Sacred Host at Eucharistic Adoration. The peace and serenity envelops me as for those precious moments I can leave the world behind and gaze upon His Eucharistic Face.

It is in the Eucharist where I find my refuge of safety; He is my stronghold, my fortress. In the silence we can speak Heart to heart as I engage in a Divine conversation with Him in prayer. His holy rays shine upon my face like the sun and I can feel His holy kiss from heaven upon my cheek. I am His and He is mine forever. I yearn for the reverent stillness to never end.

I could never live in this world without my Beloved, Jesus nor would I ever want to find out what life would be like without Him. Life without Christ is void and empty, and there would be no purpose to waking up each day and simply going through the motions knowing that there is nothing beyond this world; no hope for an eternity intertwined in Trinitarian Love.

I live my life for Christ alone, He is always my light in the darkness, and it is in the Catholic Church where we experience Jesus in the tiny, Sacred Host that He is especially present to me and to all of us in a unique, and special way. It is within the Tabernacle where He waits patiently for us to visit Him. The tremendous and never-ending Love He has to share with us radiates from His Most Sacred Heart, and we have the free-will decision to either accept Him or reject Him. We receive a reminder of Christ’s Presence in the Blessed Sacrament as the sanctuary lamp burns ever so brightly in the sanctuary.

It is in the beautiful silence sitting alone before my Beloved Lord in the Eucharist that over and over again I give myself to Christ. When I come to worship Jesus in Adoration, even when I am surrounded by others in the pews beside me I relish in this special time together where it feels as if it is only the two of us. I keep my heart open to His Holy Will as I pray, “Fiat, let it be done.”

It is by spending time with Jesus in the most intimate way in the Eucharist that we can hear His gentle whisper within our hearts. No matter what our vocation is in life or if we are still trying to figure out our vocation it is in the silence that He speaks to us as we respond with a listening heart. Let us especially during these years of Eucharistic Revival make every effort to spend more time with Him at Mass and in Adoration to raise our hearts and minds to Christ, and wrap ourselves in His Eucharistic Love.