Your Bible Verses Daily

When a Little Means a Lot

Friends, I have a bit of bad news.  We haven’t made our goal yet for our spring fundraiser.

I’m not one to worry, but this time I’m tempted.

Without your help today, I’m not sure how to proceed, how to keep Catholic Exchange online for all who thrive on our content.  All I can do now is ask, and hope and pray that you’ll respond.  Please make your gift today.

Like you, there’s so much I love about being Catholic…my life in Christ, the grace of the sacraments, the holy examples of the saints.

Our Faith offers endless riches of wisdom and insight to pave our journey to heaven. There’s so much truth to reflect on, and so much to share.

This is why it’s such a privilege to be the editor here at Catholic Exchange, where we host an array of instructive, inspiring, and faith-affirming articles for the everyday believer.

I am just that kind of everyday believer…an ordinary lay Catholic, seeking holiness in the workaday world. Perhaps that’s you too.

We’re not big and important people. We matter a lot to our nearest and dearest, but we’re not especially well known beyond our intimate circles.  And yet somehow, we matter a great deal to God.

It’s in this spirit – of littleness that means a lot – that I bring this request – with a twist.

Here at Catholic Exchange we share the truths of the Catholic Church in accessible ways for contemporary readers, both Catholic and “Catholic-curious.” Our topics cover the length and breadth of Catholic belief and practice from among the best of today’s Catholic writers.

We do this free of charge so there is no barrier for finding and sharing our content on social media, linking from newsletters, or forwarding in an email. We are here to be discovered, for the building up of the body of Christ.

It’s common for quality online publications and news services like ours to put all or a portion of their content behind a $10 per month paywall. We don’t do that, even though our content is well worth it.

But we do have costs. We need to pay our bills and pay our writers.

So I’m asking you:  What if, instead of a monthly $10 subscription, you were to make a monthly donation of $10 to Catholic Exchange? You would not only continue to get access to this great content yourself…but you would support our outreach so that many more people can learn and grow in their faith.

Will you please consider a $10 gift per month? Maybe you can stretch to $20 or even $50? Monthly donations are critical to our ongoing operations: They provide income we can plan on and help us focus every month on quality content (rather than on fundraising).

And monthly donations are the best way for a relatively little gift to add up to a lot. Maybe you’re not prepared to make a one-time gift of $120. But you could see fitting $10 a month in your budget for a year.

I can’t tell you what’s right for you to give, or how generous you can be. All I can do is ask for your help because I believe you’re like me – someone who wants to nurture your Catholic faith and share your Catholic faith.

Whatever you can contribute, please know I deeply appreciate it.

I hope you will prayerfully consider signing up for a monthly gift to Catholic Exchange today. A little goes such a long way!

Donations can be made HERE.

Your friend in Christ,

Kristen Van Uden
