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St. Adrian, Abbot of Canterbury

There is very little information handed down to us about Saint Adrian, but this much is certain: He was born in Africa in the seventh century and while still a very young man became abbot of a Benedictine monastery near Naples. He had turned down an appointment as archbishop of Canterbury, persuading the pope to name a Greek monk by the name of Theodore instead.

When Saint Theodore was appointed archbishop, the pope sent Adrian to accompany him to England as an adviser. Theodore then appointed Adrian as abbot of Saints Peter and Paul monastery (which later changed its name to St. Augustine’s because it had been founded by St. Augustine) in Canterbury.

Saint Adrian established numerous other schools in various parts of England. Many saints, scholars, and missionaries were educated in these schools and went on to do great works for the faith.

Adrian spent 39 years as an abbot in the monastery during which time it became well known as a center for learning.  Adrian died there in Canterbury on January 9 in the year 710.


We are thankful, Father, for saints like Adrian who were not only devout and pious disciples of Your Son, Jesus, but great intellects as well. Through their teachings, others learned and continued to enkindle and inflame the hearts of many through their teachings of the faith. We pray that many more will answer the call to teach, instruct, and lead so that your Gospel will be carried to the ends of the earth as Jesus commanded. In His name we pray. Amen.

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image via Franciscanmedia