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The Holy Spirit Governs the Church

Obedience and Full Communion with the Pope

Don Dolindo Ruotolo (1882-1970) was an Italian priest who endured persecution and false accusations from church authorities, yet he never rebelled or separated himself from the Catholic Church. As he wrote in his Commentary on the Book of Numbers:

“God does not call anyone to carry out such a reform, but when He wants to do it, He raises up providential leaders within it who carry out His will. God directly raises up in the Church only souls who, groaning and sacrificing themselves in humility and obedience, cast into it the holy leaven of a new life, or vivify in it the hidden seeds of its fruitful richness. These souls, even when persecuted and contradicted, do not rebel, but prophesy with humility, pain, example, prayers, and bear the Cross, which is the most beautiful sign of the Spirit of God.”

Don Dolindo defended himself against accusations but never disobeyed or separated from the Church. Like Padre Pio, he endured suspicion and persecution yet remained faithful. His life shows that one can persist in truth while also persisting in obedience.

St. Faustina Kowalska also demonstrated extraordinary obedience even amidst misunderstanding. She wrote of two relevant experiences in her diary. In one case, Jesus himself asked her to practice greater mortifications, but her mother superior refused to allow it, saying “Absolutely not!” Faustina felt disappointed but Jesus told her, “I don’t demand mortification from you, but obedience. By obedience you give great glory to Me and gain merit for yourself.”

On another occasion, Faustina’s spiritual director forbade her from wearing leg chains during Mass. She wrote, “O my Jesus, so it was willfulness again! But my falls do not discourage me; I know very well that I am misery [itself].” Her director instructed her to instead meditate on Jesus’ baptism during Mass. Though Faustina enjoyed that meditation, she acknowledged the mortification in obeying rather than simply doing what Jesus had asked her to do. As Jesus then said to her, “I have granted the grace you asked for on behalf of that soul, but not because of the mortification you chose for yourself. Rather, it was because of your act of complete obedience to My representative [the confessor] that I granted this grace.” 

Like Don Dolindo, St. Faustina persisted in defending her experiences while also persistently obeying her superiors, even when they refused requests Jesus himself had made of her. She gave glory to God through obedience amidst suspicion and scruple.

The old patriarch Abraham awoke while it was still dark, his heart heavy with anguish. God had spoken, commanding him to offer his beloved son Isaac as a sacrifice. Abraham did not hesitate, but rose in obedient faith. He cut the wood, saddled his donkey, and began the three-day journey to Mount Moriah with Isaac and two servants. What tumult filled his soul! Yet he walked on.

As Don Dolindo wrote, “Abraham did not hesitate for a moment to obey the voice of God, even though his heart was in agony.” For three days Abraham carried the wood of sacrifice, his soul echoing the words: “God will provide.” Though Isaac was the child of promise, Abraham trusted the promises of God above all.

At last father and son stood atop Moriah, the mountain of sacrifice. Together they built the altar. Then Abraham, tears streaming, bound his son. Don Dolindo wrote, “By binding him, he bound him with bonds of love; he kissed those limbs, silently wept over that body.” Yet Abraham took the knife. In that excruciating moment, only obedience mattered, surrender to the command of God.

Then the angel called out, “Lay not thy hand upon the boy!” A ram was provided in Isaac’s place. Abraham named that place “The Lord will see/provide,” for the Lord sees the sacrifices made in secret and provides. The promises once again echoed as blessings over the weeping, rejoicing father. All because one man obeyed. 

Abraham’s example of unquestioning obedience sets a pattern for us today regarding obedience to God’s appointed authorities, namely the Pope and the teachings of the Catholic Church. As God’s representative, the Church deserves the same full surrender and faith that Abraham demonstrated.

Christ himself modeled perfect obedience in completely submitting His will to the Father’s, even unto death. As Jesus told Pilate, all authority is from above (John 19:11). Should we not submit to the authorities Christ established?

Christ said He would build His Church on Peter the rock (Matthew 16:18). The same Peter He named first among the disciples and apostles (John 1:42, 21:15). The same Peter He commanded to feed His sheep (John 21:15). Peter became the pillar, the foundation stone of the nascent Church (Galatians 2:9). 

Is it possible that Christ would leave His bride the Church without a head and protector? Surely not! By staying in full communion with Peter’s successor the Pope, we stay faithful to Christ Himself. Despite any faults or trials, we must trust in Jesus’ promise to remain with His Bride through the ages (John 14:16-18). Like Abraham, let our rallying cry be surrender and obedience against all odds. Through the power of the Spirit, the gates of hell shall not prevail (Matthew 16:18)!

​​We can firmly trust that Jesus continues upholding His promise to remain with His Church through all storms, ensuring that the gates of hell will not prevail against her (Matthew 16:18). By staying in full communion with the Holy Father, we remain faithful disciples of our Lord. For He alone has the words of eternal life (John 6:68)

Meditating on the love of our Crucified Savior, let us remain faithful to our Holy Mother Church! “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68).

Therefore, let us confidently follow the footsteps of Abraham and the first disciples of Christ. By surrendering our will to God’s loving plan and embracing obediently the precepts of God and our Holy Mother Church, we find inspiration in the Servant of God Don Dolindo Ruotolo, in St Padre Pio, and in St Faustina Kowalska. They provide beautiful examples of defending truth while humbly submitting to Church authority with loving obedience. Just as Abraham’s sacrifice led to blessings, may we sacrifice our pride and personal desires to pave the way for abundant grace. With the power of the Spirit, let us be humble witnesses of the Kingdom of Heaven, the Church!

O Mary, beloved Mother and perfect model of virtue, how your humble “yes” to the angel Gabriel opened the door for our salvation! “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38). In obedient haste you visited Elizabeth, who exclaimed, “Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled” (Luke 1:45). At the nativity you pondered all these things in your heart (Luke 2:19). Silently you followed your Son even to Golgotha, obediently standing by the Cross where Jesus suffered and died (John 19:25-27). Dearest Mother, you who persistently surrendered and obeyed in all things, pray for us your children. Obtain for us the grace to echo your pure fiat. May we faithfully follow Church teaching, persistently obey spiritual authorities, and surrender completely to God’s will. Through your intercession and Christ’s infinite mercy, may we become humble instruments ushering in the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

Check out this great companion piece, a YouTube Video by Maria Palma Smith: Don Dolindo:The WILL of GOD Is EXPRESSED through the CHURCH.

Photo by DDP on Unsplash