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St. Bernardino Realino

Saint Bernardino Realino, born in 1530 in Carpi, Italy, is remembered for his deep spirituality, academic excellence, and unwavering commitment to his vocation. From a young age, Bernardino showed exceptional intellectual abilities, eventually pursuing a career in law. However, after encountering the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), he felt a profound call to the religious life.

In 1564, Bernardino entered the Jesuit novitiate and was ordained a priest two years later. His intellectual gifts and pastoral skills quickly became evident, leading to his appointment as a teacher and later as the rector of several Jesuit colleges. He excelled in these roles, guiding his students not only in academic pursuits but also in their spiritual growth.

In 1574, Bernardino was sent to Lecce, Italy, where he spent the rest of his life. As a Jesuit missionary, he devoted himself to preaching, teaching, and administering the sacraments. His compassion, humility, and deep faith made him a beloved figure among the people of Lecce. He became known for his tireless efforts to reconcile differences, heal divisions, and bring about spiritual renewal in the community.

Bernardino’s life was marked by profound personal piety and a commitment to the Ignatian spiritual exercises, which deepened his relationship with God. His dedication to the Eucharist, devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and compassionate pastoral care left an enduring legacy of holiness and service.

Lesson 1: Dedication to Vocation: Saint Bernardino Realino’s life teaches us the importance of faithfully following our vocational call. Whether in religious life, lay ministry, or secular careers, his example encourages us to dedicate ourselves fully to the work God has entrusted to us.Lesson 2: Compassionate Service: Bernardino’s compassionate pastoral care and his efforts to heal divisions and reconcile differences remind us of the importance of serving others with love and humility. His life challenges us to be agents of peace and reconciliation in our own communities.

Prayer to Saint Bernardino Realino:

O Saint Bernardino Realino, you who dedicated your life to the service of God and His people with humility, compassion, and profound faith, pray for us, that we may follow your example of dedication to our vocation and compassionate service to others. Help us to grow in holiness through our daily work and to be instruments of God’s peace and reconciliation. Through your intercession, may we be faithful witnesses to the love of Christ in our world. Amen.

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image: Portrait and prayer card of St. Bernardino Realino, 17th century from Rijksmuseum, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons