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St. John Eudes (Priest and Founder)

St. John Eudes was born on November 14, 1601, in Ri, France. From a young age, he felt a deep calling to the priesthood. He entered the seminary and was ordained a priest in 1625. Driven by a passion for pastoral care and reform, John dedicated himself to preaching and revitalizing the spiritual life of his community.

In 1643, John Eudes founded the Congregation of Jesus and Mary, known as the Eudists, to focus on the formation of priests and the revival of Christian life. The Eudists were dedicated to preaching missions and improving the spiritual and moral life of the clergy and laity. St. John also played a significant role in establishing the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Refuge, which aimed to help women who had fallen into a life of sin, providing them with spiritual and practical support to lead a new life.

St. John Eudes is particularly known for his devotion to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. He promoted the veneration of the Sacred Heart as a central element of Christian devotion and wrote extensively on the topic. His writings and sermons emphasized the love and mercy of Christ, and he sought to deepen the spiritual lives of those he served.

He passed away on August 19, 1680. His legacy is honored for his dedication to priestly formation, pastoral care, and devotion to the Sacred Hearts. St. John Eudes was beatified in 1909 and canonized in 1925.

Practical Lessons:

Lesson 1: Commitment to Priestly Formation: St. John Eudes’ dedication to improving the spiritual and pastoral life of priests teaches us the importance of investing in our leaders and mentors. His example encourages us to support and pray for those in leadership roles within the Church and to seek ways to contribute to their formation and growth.Lesson 2: Devotion to the Sacred Heart: Eudes’ emphasis on the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary reminds us of the importance of cultivating a personal relationship with Christ. His example invites us to deepen our devotion through prayer, reflection, and acts of love, centering our lives on the transformative power of God’s love.

Prayer to St. John Eudes:

O God, who entrusted St. John Eudes with preaching the mysteries of Your love and founding new religious communities for the sanctification of priests and the care of women in need, grant that through his intercession, we may grow in devotion to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Help us to live out his example of dedication and compassion in our own lives. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Other Saints We Remember Today

St. Louis (1297), Bishop of Toulouse, France

image: Portrait of Jean Eudes Sevend, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons