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St. Agricolus of Avignon

St. Agricolus of Avignon was born around 630 AD in the region that is now France. He was the son of St. Magnus, who served as the bishop of Avignon. From a young age, Agricolus was destined for a life of service to the Church. His father, recognizing his son’s piety and dedication, entrusted him with significant responsibilities within the diocese.

Agricolus was well-educated and known for his deep spirituality. At the age of 16, he chose to live as a monk in the Abbey of Lérins, where he devoted himself to prayer, study, and the ascetic life. After several years of monastic life, Agricolus returned to Avignon to assist his aging father in the administration of the diocese.

When his father passed away, Agricolus was chosen as the bishop of Avignon, a role in which he served with great humility and dedication. As bishop, Agricolus was known for his pastoral care, especially his work to improve the moral and spiritual lives of his flock. He was deeply concerned with the poor and the sick, often personally caring for those in need.

Agricolus also took on the defense of Avignon during a time of invasion by Saracens, leading efforts to protect his city and his people. His leadership in both spiritual and temporal matters earned him great respect and devotion from the people of Avignon.

St. Agricolus passed away around 700 AD, and his feast day is celebrated on September 2. He remains the patron saint of Avignon, where his memory is honored for his holiness, leadership, and dedication to his people.

Practical Lessons:

Lesson 1: Selfless Service: St. Agricolus’ life teaches us the importance of selfless service and dedication to the well-being of others. His example encourages us to take on responsibilities that benefit our communities and to care for those in need with compassion and humility.Lesson 2: Courageous Leadership: Agricolus’ leadership during times of crisis demonstrates the value of courage and decisiveness in difficult situations. His actions inspire us to stand firm in our convictions and to lead with integrity and concern for the common good, especially in times of trial.

Prayer to St. Agricolus of Avignon:

O Lord, who called St. Agricolus to shepherd Your people with wisdom and love, grant us the grace to follow his example of service and leadership. Through his intercession, may we be strengthened in our own lives to care for those in need and to lead with courage in the face of adversity. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Other Saints We Remember Today

St. Stephen (1038), King of HungarySt. Ingrid of Sweden (1282), Virgin

image: Reinhardhauke / Wikimedia Commons