Your Bible Verses Daily

St. John of Capistrano

St. John of Capistrano was born in 1386 in Capistrano, Italy. Initially, he pursued a career in law and government service, becoming a respected lawyer and governor. However, after a period of political turmoil and imprisonment, John had a profound spiritual conversion. He left his career, joined the Franciscan order, and devoted himself to a life of penance, preaching, and reform.

As a Franciscan friar, John became well-known for his passionate preaching and zeal for the faith. He traveled across Europe, spreading the Gospel and defending the Church against heresies like the Hussite movement. His inspiring sermons brought many back to the Catholic faith, and he worked tirelessly to reform both clergy and laity, encouraging them to live holy and faithful lives.

In his later years, John was called to defend Christian Europe from the advancing Ottoman Empire. Though in his 70s, he rallied an army of believers and played a critical role in the victory at the Battle of Belgrade in 1456. He died later that year, leaving behind a legacy of fervent faith and commitment to Christ.

Practical Lessons:

Lesson 1: Turn Setbacks into Opportunities for Growth: St. John’s life changed after a political downfall and imprisonment. Instead of remaining defeated, he used the setback as an opportunity to turn toward God. In our daily lives, when we face unexpected challenges or failures, we can take inspiration from John’s story and look for ways to grow spiritually, learn from the situation, and move forward with purpose.

Lesson 2: Be Bold in Sharing Your Faith: John of Capistrano was unafraid to speak out and defend his faith, whether through preaching or standing up in battle. In modern life, we are often hesitant to express our beliefs, especially when it feels uncomfortable. We can follow John’s example by sharing our faith with kindness and confidence, whether by helping someone in need, supporting a friend going through a difficult time, or standing up for what is right in daily situations.

Quote from St. John of Capistrano:

“Those who are called to the table of the Lord must glow with the brightness that comes from the good example of a praiseworthy and blameless life.”

Prayer to St. John of Capistrano:

O God, who raised up St. John of Capistrano to strengthen Your faithful people, grant that by his intercession we may face the challenges in our lives with courage and faith. May we always turn to You in times of difficulty and boldly share Your love with those around us. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

image: Károly Lotz / Public domain