Your Bible Verses Daily

Monday of the First Week in Ordinary Time

The Gospel begins with the ministry of John the Baptist to prepare “the way of the Lord.”   And immediately after Jesus was baptized by John and after he stayed forty days in the desert and was tempted by Satan, Jesus begins his public ministry, “preaching the Good News of God.”

Considering that “preaching the Good News of God” must continue even after his lifetime on earth, Jesus needed followers to continue his mission.

Today’s Gospel reading presents the barest requirements to be a follower of Christ: he calls and the one called replies “yes” and follows.

His first followers were simple fishermen, two sets of brothers, Simon and Andrew, James and John. Jesus saw them fixing their boats and nets and invites them to be with him to “fish for people.” And immediately, without any hesitation, farewells and any other preparations, they leave their boats and nets, father and families and follow Jesus.

We do not know why Jesus chose simple fishermen as his first disciples: could be something about fishermen becoming fishers for people!  

Later Jesus would see a tax collector sitting in his office and he will tell Levi, “‘Follow me.’ And Levi got up and followed him.  As simple as that.

In the Gospel of John, his first followers were originally disciples of John. “On the following day John was standing there again with two of his disciples. As Jesus walked by, John looked at him and said, ‘There is the Lamb of God.’  On hearing this, the two disciples followed Jesus” and spent the rest of the day with him. Andrew was one of the two who followed Jesus at John’s invitation: Andrew then invites his brother Simon to join him.  Subsequently Jesus calls Philip who then invites his friend Nathanael to join him with Jesus.

Until today Jesus calls men and women from all stations and ages in life to follow him in “preaching the Good News,” especially in the various ministries of the Church.

We pray that we may be generous in following God’s call and the Lord of the harvest will continue calling many to his service.