Your Bible Verses Daily

Thursday of the Second Week of Lent

Will it take some dire tragedy or inconceivable crisis to make us
realize that we need to reform our lives? If we’ve been enjoying
creature comforts, have we been failing to notice those who are
surviving in less fortunate situations? Perhaps, we’ve been distracted
by the new gadgets within our grasp from the miserable state that our
poor brothers and sisters find themselves in. Perhaps, we’ve become
apathetic to the good we need to do.

Perhaps, we’ve treated with indifference those who are hungry while we
get our fill to the point of being gluttonous. Maybe we need to listen
more attentively to what God is trying to tell us.

While we still have the chance, there’s no harm in not only donating
funds for a good cause, but more importantly, offering our time and
presence as well. Only then can we see how those stricken with
poverty, really do suffer. Only then can we fully embrace the
responsibility, to do our par t in making a difference.

May we always stay attentive to the desperation our impoverished
fellow countrymen. With God’s guidance, let us pray for the strength
and fortitude to do the good we are capable of doing.