Your Bible Verses Daily

Thursday of the Fourth Week of Advent

Lift up your heads and see; your redemption is near at hand.”

Today’s readings call to mind, once more, the work and impact of St. John the Baptist on salvation history. As Advent draws to a close, we are brought to the very beginning of Christ’s story; the beginning of our story in Christ. St. John the Baptist is such an important man, we are given the story of how he got his name in today’s Gospel.

Today’s Gospel brings us to the Temple where, according to tradition, Zechariah and Elizabeth would name their son. The normal tradition was for the baby to receive his father’s name, but Elizabeth had insisted on John. John was not a name among their relatives, but was rather the name given to him by the angel. This name indicates one who has been filled with God’s grace, as the angel declared to Zechariah, “He will be filled with the holy Spirit even from his mother’s womb.”

Zechariah had to intervene. He give permission for this unusual name, writing “His name is John.” This was more than a mere declaration, but it was a renouncement of his previous doubt. Zechariah did not believe the angel and expressed great doubt. It is hard to believe that he doubted the word of the angel, but Zechariah did and was thus rendered mute. By writing His name is John, Zechariah had shown the faith he now had in the prophecy. John would grow up to live up to his name.

God calls each of us by name. You are called now. Never forget that.

As we end this Advent season, pray that you will hear the name God calls you by. Answer him and grow to live in the promise of that name.