Your Bible Verses Daily

Thursday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time

One of the most beautiful relationships described in the bible is the friendship between Jonathan and David. King Saul, the father of Jonathan was nearly driven to insanity by jealousy and hatred for David who was Jonathan’s bosom friend. Time and time again Jonathan took the side of his friend David against the wishes of his own father.

Friendship is beautiful. It can transform the dull routine of everyday life into something magical. Friends are capable of bringing out of us our very best selves. Since friends are more ready to accept us and forgive us our faults and failings, we are able to love, accept and forgive ourselves. The mystery of friendship is that, in spite of our selfishness, we are able not only to take but also to give. In a time of busy and hectic schedules, friends are able to share time together.

Jesus calls us friends. He initiated a friendship with his followers, and that includes us. He offers us a much deeper and more beautiful friendship than the one between Jonathan and David. Jesus accepts us as we are. He forgives us seventy times seven times without keeping count of how many times he has forgiven us. He is always there for us. He always has time for us.

But the question is: Do we have time for Jesus? Friendship needs time and patience to develop and deepen. If only we would take the time to develop the friendship Jesus offers us, we would be able to carry a smile on our face no matter what problems we are facing. As Jonathan defended David before his father Saul, so Jesus takes our side and defends us when we sinners approach our heavenly Father. We should continually thank the Lord for his friendship. Our friendship with Jesus will surely deepen the more we take time out to be closer to Jesus in prayer, sharing our inmost feelings with him and listening to what he has to say.