Your Bible Verses Daily

Thursday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time

To sin is to fail to live up to be the person we are meant to be by God. If we consider becoming what God wants us to be as the target in a firing range, then not to hit it is to sin. Because of our brokenness, we may think our near misses or venial sins are of little importance. However if the target is as immense as God is infinite goodness, then to miss the target is really unthinkable. In the light of this we would then be able to understand the reason for the seemingly cruel imagery used by our Lord to emphasize the true reality of sin and its effect on us and the world around us. It is only because of God’s infinite love and mercy that our sins whether great or small are forgiven. For some of us who are seen to be serving in church, the scandalous effect of even our minor indiscretions may be much greater and will last longer than the sin itself. We may already have repented of the sin and be forgiven but its harmful effects may last a very long time.

With this understanding of what it means each time we fall into sin, let us ask ourselves why we still sin over and over again and reflect more deeply on the immensity of our Father’s love and mercy for each one of us.