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2022 Year in Review

As each year comes to a close, we publish our 2022 year in review and take the opportunity to pause and reflect on the ups and downs we’ve experienced, what we have learned and how we have grown. As you can imagine, for Bible Gateway, we care most about helping you to learn more about the Bible and hope that you continue to grow in your faith and knowledge of the Bible.

We’ve seen that John 3:16 continues to the most popular Bible verse for good reason. It is considered one of the most succinct views of the Christian faith and its number one status has not wavered since it was briefly was pushed down to #2 in 2018. Overall, the most popular Bible verses and keyword searches remained stable compared to last year. You can read more in Bible Gateway’s 2022 year in review for a peek at how people read the Bible this year.

The biggest gainer this year, however, jumping 30 places in the rankings, was Hebrews 4:12: “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (NIV).

We won’t expound on why this verse gained in its ranking, but instead encourage you to study Hebrews 4:12 for yourself with Bible Gateway Plus. And, continue this study as you explore the most popular Bible verses our year in review for 2022.

The post 2022 Year in Review appeared first on Bible Gateway Blog.