Your Bible Verses Daily

That Face You See

I want to share something important from the other side of the editor’s desk. But first…

I need to let you know that we’re in a bit of trouble here.

I reached out last week to let you know of our need at Catholic Exchange – one we bring to you just twice a year – to keep our operations running without interruption.

We need $60,000 this spring to cover our costs through 2023.  And we only received a handful of gifts, not nearly enough to cover our costs.

If you weren’t one of those who gave, perhaps my message escaped your notice. I well understand how busy life gets. Or perhaps – you thought it wasn’t really meant for you.

But I assure you, it was!

You’re a friend in the apostolate whom God is calling to help get His messaging out there to a public swamped by distractions.

We need your gift today to continue publishing, to fulfill our mission “to enable all to be enriched and strengthened in their Christian faith as proclaimed by the Catholic Church.”

And here’s why it’s critical, now more than ever:

You see it as well as I do – there’s a tremendous amount of struggle and sorrow in our world today, and things seem to be degenerating fast!

Here on my side of the desk, as editor of Catholic Exchange, I sit atop a bounty of spiritual treasure, such beautiful writing and insights, prayers and holy examples of the saints, reflections on the Sacraments and all the gifts of the Church.

And on the other side, I walk with you and see faces, whether at work or the carpool line, in the grocery store, or walking to your car, and those faces, nine times out of ten, are masking a burden. Even at church there are hidden sorrows and deeply felt cries of prayer coming from all directions.

Sin and suffering have wounded and weakened us all. But here’s the secret: Jesus calls us to heal one another, in and through His grace, through acts of love and invitations to communion in the Church and a full sacramental life.

The problem is, we are living in a culture that worships self-sufficiency, and it’s killing us. People are isolated, struggling in ways they don’t need to, because independence is a lie: We are designed to be parts of a body, giving to and receiving from one another.

This is the truth that we proclaim – in ordinary language designed for all – here at

Catholic Exchange. Instagram and Twitter may tell other stories, but we tell the story of hope.

On any given day we publish articles on marriage and family, how to pray, bring loved ones back to the Church, the suffering and joys of the saints, learning and living the Scriptures, and so much more. We offer practical tools to live life – no matter the challenges – in deeply satisfying and meaningful ways. We inspire and equip you to be a light in your world.

But without your gift today, who knows? We need you in order to continue doing this.

Our mission (yours too!) demands that we be evangelistic – that we share the truths of the Faith freely, in everyday language, without having to throw it all behind a pay wall or cover it with distracting pop-up ads.

Please don’t make us have to do this. We come to you only twice a year to help us continue publishing in a way that attracts the most souls.

Will you please not miss this chance to help me reach across the editor’s desk – to help you reach those you know, whose faces you see – by making your tax-deductible gift to Catholic Exchange right away?

Please donate as generously as you can, be it $1,000, $500 or $250. If you can give $100, or $50, even $25 – all gifts are welcome and needed!

Please join me in this continued mission to shine light, transmit joy, bring hope, and share the Catholic Faith.

The most important way you can give is to become a monthly donor by choosing that option on the donation form.